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A new quiz for kids in the “Giardino dei Ghiacciai” Cavaglia Glacier Pothole Park – how Grummo became a giant.

Grummo is a new arrival to the rich collection of Valposchiavo legends. He is a friendly giant who lives among the glacial potholes of the Cavaglia Glacier Pothole Park where he jealeously guards the secret of his giant strength.

A picture booklet for 5 - 12-year-olds tells Grummo’s story and explains how he became a giant. Each information panel in the park has a blind stamp for kids to stamp their booklet. When the booklet is full, and the stamps are all in the proper sequence, they reveal Grummo’s secret.

And when the booklet is full and the secret revealed, bring it to the Valposchiavo Tourist Office and claim a little surprise!

And more: when you’ve solved Grummo’s secret you can find Sabi the Glacier Spirit’s booklet at the Morteratsch Glacier Trail in the Engadine and discover Sabi’s great dream.

After solving both Grummo’s and Sabi’s mysteries you’ve qualified as “Bernina Glacier Adventurer”. Pick up your award certificate at the Valposchiavo Tourist Office!

Both booklets are available at the Tourist Offices in Poschiavo and Pontresina, in many Valposchiavo hotels and at the “Giardino dei Ghiacciai” Cavaglia Glacier Pothole Park too!

Further information:

Tags: Sport

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Valposchiavo Turismo

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