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Bike tips

Single Trails so weit die Räder drehen. Hier finden Sie unsere schönsten Bike-Routen.
Eine Trailmap können Sie online bestellen oder beim Tourismusbüro kaufen. 


431 Selva - Torn

431 Selva - Torn

This bike route combines nature and sports experiences with a sprinkling of history and culture thrown in. The effort of climbing past numerous mountain farms is rewarded with a brisk ride down to the Poschiavo Lake.
432 Val da Camp

432 Val da Camp

This route is perfect for riders for whom it’s all about mixing a fabulous panorama with a generous helping of isolated, easily rideable natural trails. Cultural curiosity is satisfied by the small town of Poschiavo, starting and finishing point, with its historic centre.
433 Poschiavo - San Romerio

433 Poschiavo - San Romerio

This route is suitable for riders who don't fear overcoming a steep climb incorporating a difference in altitude of 1,000 metres, in order to then enjoy the track, which acts as a link road to San Romerio. The physical and mental effort is rewarded with rambling views.

434 Col d'Anzana

434 Col d'Anzana

The tour Col d'Anzana is a pleasant surprise for all bikers who do it for the first time. Despite the relatively low altitude of 2212 metres above sea level Col d'Anzana offers a fascinating descent on a difference in altitude of about 1800 metres.

436 Poschiavino Trail

436 Poschiavino Trail

In the upper part of this trail, designed as a spectacular connection between the three bike destinations Livigno, Engadin and Valposchiavo, the Poschiavino trail is certainly physically and technically demanding, but it rewards passionate bikers with the experience of an alpine world of rare beauty.

437 Alta Tensione Trail

437 Alta Tensione Trail

"Alta Tensione" is the name of the short but exciting trail from Poschiavo to Le Prese and back. It follows the high-voltage power lines on the sunny side of the valley - a very energetic bike experience!

673 Bernina-Express

673 Bernina-Express

This route links the Engadin with the Valposchiavo, and within just a few hours leads through several climatic zones, crosses the backbone of the Alps and offers dramatic views of the highest adhesion railway line in Europe - part of Unesco World Heritage.

Val Minur Marmotta-Trail

Val Minur Marmotta-Trail

«Ein Feuerwerk der Emotionen», so Bruno Raselli, Hotelier und Biker aus Le Prese, der den Trail als einer der ersten befahren hat: «Für Biker ist diese neue Verbindung ein absolutes Must!»

Keep in touch with Valposchiavo!

Valposchiavo Turismo

Vial da la Stazion
CH-7742 Poschiavo

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+41 81 839 00 60

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